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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Te Kairanga Runholder Pinot Noir 2023 (6x750ml) would interest you. Martinborough, New Zealand
  • The quintessential kiwiana Pinot Noir
  • Runholder; Noun:(plural runholders) (Australia, New Zealand) One who owns or leases a run (generally a sheep farm). TK pays tribute the farmers of the region with this brilliant drop of grape farming
  • As for food matching - you can probably guess what the Runholder is best paired with..yep lamb. Try lamb cutlets on the barbie, or a rosemary encrusted rack of lamb.
  • Case of 6 ($30/bottle)

Runholder is your quintessential kiwi drop paying tribute to the sheep farmers of last century, otherwise known as ‘Runholders’. 130 years ago when the original land holder John Martin ran the property now called Te Kairanga, that’s all there was – Runholders of sheep. Now of course the Runholders of Martinborough tend to vines not sheep, and what a great job they do. Special mention goes to the team at Te Kairanga who tend to four vineyards across 250 acres with Martinborough. Runholder Pinot Noir is combination of 6 clones across these sites providing a dense velvety character of cherries, blackberries, and allspice. That said and given the vineyards history this Pinot is best matched with … guessed it – Lamb! Try lamb cutlets on the Barbie or a rosemary encrusted rack of lamb is the just the ticket.

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